Food Styling

girl in a red shirt outside peeling peas on a table

I am a freelance food stylist who has worked on a number of different productions and a variety clients including CTV’s The Marilyn Denis and The Social, CHFA (Canadian Health Food Association), Dairy Farmers of Canada, Almond Board of California, Dietitian’s of Canada, Silk, and Natrel.


On set, I have worked with numerous chefs during time-sensitive productions to ensure smooth transitions and highlight their recipes. It is a fast paced and creative job where attention to detail and adaptability are definite assets.

What I really love about food styling is the dynamic nature of the job. Every day is different, you are constantly making new recipes, testing yourself, and playing with plating and other techniques. It really helps your creativity.


I have developed numerous recipes for clients, as well as creatively styled and photographed food to take advantage of natural light as well as showcase texture and colour. Food styling is all about working with the food, not against it! I love the challenge of creating a beautiful finished product that highlights the meal or food. The combination of lighting, props and angle can create a photo that inspires people to make a recipe. That is how we truly know we have accomplished our task.

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